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What we believe

What is the Gospel?


God is the only sovereign, wise, and good Creator of all things, who reigns as King over all creation for His own glory.

ROMANS 11:33-36


Human beings were made in God’s image to love and worship Him forever. But ever since Adam first rebelled against God, we have all been lost in sin, under God’s judgment, and unable to save ourselves.



Out of undeserved love and grace, God sent His only Son to save us from sin and reconcile us to Himself through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

JOHN 3:16


God offers us His gift of salvation by grace, which we receive through faith in Jesus. He makes us new, calls us to leave sin behind, and invites us to join His work in the world.


Pastors & staff

Jason Rehmel

Lead Pastor

Jason has been on staff at Eastside since 2007, when he started serving as the Executive pastor. In 2010, he became the Lead Pastor. Jason loves being in ministry and he knows it is what God created him for… actually it is one of three things God created him for… The other two? To be the best possible husband that he can be to his beautiful wife Tera and to be a connected and loving dad for their two amazing kids. In ministry, the two most fulfilling aspects for Jason are preaching and building connections with people. In his personal life, Jason loves traveling, going to his kids’ sporting events, and spending time with friends while eating great food and sharing stories. 1 John 2:6 says, “whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked,” and it is advice he tries to follow daily.

Brock Heitkamp

Creative Arts Pastor

Brock is the Creative Arts Pastor here at Eastside. Corporate Worship is the place where the body of Christ is gathered together for the purpose of bring God honoring praise. This should be an encouragement to every believer and most of all be focused on the Saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Brock leads a large group of volunteers who give their time every week in order to make our weekend experience happen. Whether it’s learning music, practicing music, setting up the auditorium or running various forms of tech this team makes it happen. Brock is also the husband to a lovely wife named Allie and together they have three children,  Oliver, Eleanor and Aiden. Brock has been on staff at Eastside since 2013. In his free time Brock enjoys soccer. He likes to play it in any capacity and he also enjoys watching it on TV. He is a major fan of Manchester City, FC Cincinnati and the USMNT. He also enjoys spending time with his wife and crazy kids! Just give it time and there is a good chance you’ll see his son sneaking up on stage on a Sunday morning or testing the communion juice while he thinks no one is watching…

Mike Whittymore

Associate Pastor

Mike is the Associate Pastor here at Eastside. He and his wife Sarah are both Cincinnati natives and are blessed to call Eastside their home.  He is passionate about helping  people get connected and take next steps in their faith journey. Mike oversees our Adult Ministries, Volunteer Teams, and is the primary person to help new people get plugged in. 

Roger Bishop

Student Pastor

Roger is the Student Pastor at Eastside and loves every chance to help guide students toward what God wants for them! Whether it's hearing sermons, sharing meals, or throwing dodgeballs, Roger wants every student event to experience a truly kind and welcoming environment where they can focus on Jesus and grow with a community of believers. He has had the chance to work with Middle School, High School, and College students since graduating with his General Ministry Degree from Cincinnati Christian University in 2015. He married his lovely wife Carly in 2015 and they have a boy named Jack and a girl named Daisy. Roger's favorite verse is John 3:30 - "He must become greater, I must become less."

Julie Sneed

Church Administrator

Julie is our Church Administrator here at Eastside which means that she assists with all administrative type things. What it really means is that Julie brings method to everyone else’s madness. Julie has been married to her lovable and bearded husband Tod since 2012. They have two wonderful daughters that make daily life an adventure. Julie and Tod love to hang out with friends, hit up some shows at the Aronoff and get their adrenaline pumping at King’s Island. Julie is excited about Eastside’s desire to continually find better ways to impact and serve the community and she can’t wait to see what God does next!

Mike Lee


Mike has been with Eastside since October of 2007. Mike's current hobbies are gaming, RC Helicopters, Drones, Anime and Netflix. He listens to various types of music and streams gameplay to YouTube and Twitch. God is good. Hooty Hoot.