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What is Middle School learning?

Throughout the year, Eastside's Middle School students will cover the following different series to help students recognize who God says they are and become the person he wants them to be. If you have any questions about what we're covering or want to see more details about the content below, don't hesitate to send Roger an email ( for more details.

Red Flags, Respect, and Relationships

This series focuses on a subject that’s incredibly important for students in this phase: dating and sex. Even if they aren’t involved in or curious about either yet, the goal is for your middle schoolers to see the value in navigating relationships and sex in a way that honors God, others, and themselves now. That’s why we’re pointing them toward avoiding relational red flags, choosing respect for themselves and others, and handling their dating relationships and choices with sexual integrity.
Week 1: God cares about what we do with our desires.
Week 2: God cares about what we do with our freedom.
Week 3: God cares about how we value ourselves and others.
Week 4: God cares about us demonstrating love before looking for love.

This is Real Love

Easter is a great opportunity to remind your middle schoolers of what Jesus said and did to show us real love. His life, ministry, death, and resurrection are all demonstrations of that real love, and they’re what we remember and celebrate in this season. As you share this week, focus on bringing those things to life, not just as stories but as real events that really happened to really demonstrate Jesus’ real love for us.
Week 1: Jesus shows us what real love is.
Week 2: Jesus treats everyone like they are important.
Week 3: Jesus offers everyone forgiveness.

One Step

This series looks at God’s heart for justice in the world. Rather than let the injustices they see or experience go unnoticed, we want middle schoolers to look for even the smallest step they can take to move toward a better tomorrow for all. As you lead, point students back to the truth that God is working for good in this world (even when we can’t see it) and calling them to take just one step to join that work.
Week 1: Where can you move toward justice?
Week 2: You don’t have to face injustice alone.
Week 3: God loves justice.
Week 4: Keep moving toward justice.

What is High School learning?

Throughout the year, Eastside's High School students will cover the following different series to help students recognize who God says they are and become the person he wants them to be. If you have any questions about what we're covering or want to see more details about the content below, don't hesitate to send Roger an email ( for more details.
There are several key topics we need to walk through with students on a regular basis. One such topic is challenging students to navigate relationships and sexuality in a way that honors God. The reality is that the world around us is presenting (and even promoting) a message that you are defined by your relational and sexual pursuits. It’s something we HAVE TO be talking about at home and in the church. God, Guys & Girls is a four-week series that does just that.
WEEK 1: Unless I'm truly pursuing Christ, all other relationships will be a hopeless attempt to fill that void. 
WEEK 2: Lust=Selfish |  Love=Selfless
WEEK 3: Sex is a BIG DEAL to God. Handling it his way should be a big deal to us. 
WEEK 4: Unless I'm truly pursuing Christ, all other relationships will be a hopeless attempt to fill that void. 
Too often our students get the message that their time to make a difference in your church is “out there” somewhere, sometime when they grow up. But, if your teenagers are Believers, then they have been gifted by the Spirit to serve the Church and God’s Kingdom. The time is now!
This 3-week study will help your students understand that the Holy Spirit works in and through Christ-followers to grow the Church, that Jesus paved the way for the Holy Spirit to empower all believers to serve, and to understand what spiritual gifts they’ve been given and how they might use them for the Church.
Over the course of these five powerfully practical discussions, students will learn about and uncover the most common "arrows" Satan attacks humans with. They'll learn how to identify what the Enemy is up to and how to effectively defend against those attacks. These conversations will help students see and process what it means to live victoriously against an Enemy who wants to destroy them.
WEEK 1: Guilt
WEEK 2: Busyness
WEEK 3: Distraction
WEEK 4: Fear
WEEK 5: Issues of Self-Worth